Market and Financial Research

Grow your business, product or brand with powerful consumer insights and access high-value markets Australia and Asia.

Accelerate growth with high-quality research, data and analysis.

Discover Opportunities

Identify new business opportunities for your products and services and calculate opportunity costs.

Enhance Competitiveness

Articulate your competitive advantage and enhance your ability and agility to meet consumer needs.

Minimise Risk

Make informed investment decisions and minimise risk, with high-quality research, data and analysis.

Achieve Growth

Transform your operations to meet market needs and achieve sustainable, long-term growth.


Benefit from our integrated approach, diverse skills and multi-industry experience.
Explore our experience in


Food Supply Chains

Financial Services



Mining and Mineral Processing

Meat Processing

Key Contacts

Emma Trumper

Emma Trumper

Emma leads the team running the behind-the-scenes operations for our business services, consulting, and Research Businesses. She is experienced in leading teams face-to-face and remotely, has demonstrated experience in program delivery, budget and project management, and financial oversight. Emma works closely with the Systems Leadership Development Association providing support for their work.

Dr. Tamara Leahy

Dr. Tamara Leahy

Tamara helps companies access government funding to fast-track project development and growth. She has significant quantitative and qualitative research experience and demonstrated capabilities in project management, technical writing and business development. Tamara works in the Response Research team to support the development of research programs and new business opportunities.

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