Leadership Development

For more than 25 years Response Consulting Australia (RCA) has continuously refined our programs in order to help people and organisations drive meaningful, sustainable cultural change. As proven performers, RCA has worked closely with our clients in Australia and globally to successfully deliver desired change outcomes.

We have a holistic approach that starts with clearly understanding the context in which the framework sits and working vertically to providing tangible models and tools for leadership to use on a day to day basis.

For example, Systems Leadership provides the models for:

  • Systems Design and Management.
  • Technical, Commercial and Social systems running concurrently.
  • Levels of Work framework for core role accountability and authority required.
  • Usually aligns with the leadership and management framework within our client’s organisation.
  • Leadership as a specific work accountability for anyone in a management or supervisor’s role.
  • Disciplined process for Task Assignment, at all levels of complexity
  • Team Process, the work and behaviours of both Team Leader and Team Member.

In addition to Systems Leadership, our programs include a focus on not only ‘work capability’ but also EQ (Emotional Intelligence – self-awareness and understanding and respecting diversity).

These are fundamental concepts for leadership not only to assist them becoming aware, accepting and then actioning within themselves but influencing peers and team members in emotional intelligence. The art of being present, listening actively, staying out of judgement is critical for all leaders regardless of level.

Philosophically, based on our extensive experience as both educators and business practitioners we hold little store in the value of “Sheep dip” training programs i.e., a 2 or 3-day workshop and off you go and be better!

Let’s solve your Organisational Challenges!